how to put together the Waterfall Alcove.

Dungeon Siege is now pretty dead and obsolete -- not sure why I'm still hosting these really…

written in response to a thread on Planet Dungeon Siege.

assumed/required knowledge
Siege Uni 100.


  1. start with a 24 high wall Step 1
  2. Attach t_grs01_waterfall-alcove-a.sno Step 1
  3. Attach t_grs01_waterfall-alcove-b.sno Step 2
  4. Attach t_grs01_waterfall-alcove-bottom-fall-a.sno Step 3
  5. Attach t_grs01_waterfall-alcove-top-fall-a.sno Step 4
  6. Attach t_grs01_waterfall-alcove-c.sno Step 5
  7. Attach t_grs01_waterfall-alcove-d.sno Step 6
  8. Attach t_grs01_waterfall-alcove-river-a.sno Step 7
  9. Attach t_grs01_waterfall-alcove-bridge-whole-a.sno Step 8
    Or one of the other bridges in that set.

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