
Dungeon Siege is now pretty dead and obsolete -- not sure why I'm still hosting these really…

welcome, i hope to make this in to a reasonable resource that pulls together a bunch of ideas and wonderings i’ve had while using Siege Editor and the various other tools around for modding Dungeon Siege.

ground rules

the tutorials

waterfall alcove

this was written to answer a particular problem posted on a foum, and has limited use beyond that (unless you want to know how to put together the “Waterfall Alcove” nodes).

it assumes you know how to place nodes in the Siege Editor.


this was written after we’d figured out how to get the chapter interfaces working. there are a couple of omissions in Siege U 209 about firing the chapter interface and updating the journal.

after i’d done it once, and explained bits and pieces here and there, the question was raised again, so i then went through the whole process again, writing it up step by step, in one place so that others would be able to follow.


this also took over from where Siege U 209 left off, and covered a couple of bugs in Siege Editor that mean you won’t be able to display quest dialogue in the journal - the basic issue is that Siege Editor creates an entry in your gas file saying dialogue, while Dungeon Siege is expecting it called dialog.
the tutorial was on Planet Dungeon Siege and I didn’t take a copy of it.

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